Our Commitment

At Controlled Chaos we take pride in maintaining the health and well-being of our four-legged athletes. We ensure that our dogs receive the best care in both their active and retired mushing careers.

It is sometimes a necessary but difficult decision to retire a dog early into its career.

Adopting a sled dog is an enriching experience! All dogs, like humans, have different personalities. It is our goal to match theirs with yours. Some of our dogs are active and rambunctious, while others are more relaxed and calm. Based on your needs, we can connect you with the perfect dog as they transition into their new life.

Sled dogs (and Alaskan Huskies in general) are intelligent and take direction well. You will find the adoption experience to be fulfilling and engaging, as you learn the quirkiness of these wonderful athletes.

For questions or inquiry into our adoptable dogs, contact us directly.

Please note, a one-on-one meeting is required prior to adoption to ensure the fit is right for adoption.

Adoptable Dogs

Hello, my name is Gatton. I am a rambunctious team member here at Controlled Chaos who is looking for his new forever home. I am one brother of the Australian litter. Over the last few years, my desire to run long distance has gone down. I feel much happier in a space that is just as active but has more activities. Maybe I could accompany you on a hike? Or perhaps I could learn to skijor or bikejor along with you! Please contact my team to get more information about me and come for a visit!

Hello, my name is Gatton. I am a rambunctious team member here at Controlled Chaos who is looking for his new forever home. I am one brother of the Australian litter. Over the last few years, my desire to run long distance has gone down. I feel much happier in a space that is just as active but has more activities. Maybe I could accompany you on a hike? Or perhaps I could learn to skijor or bikejor along with you! Please contact my team to get more information about me and come for a visit!